Click any image to access details about each painting.

100 Hana Highway

10th Street Lagoon

A Box Full of Rainbows

A Fresh Approach

A Joyful Noise

A Look At Kuerner's Spring House

A Most Adventurous Dairy Cow 02

A Most Adventurous Dairy Cow 03

A Most Adventurous Dairy Cow 06

A Most Adventurous Dairy Cow 09

A Most Adventurous Dairy Cow 24

A Walk Into Kuerner's Barn

A Witness to Time

Across The Pond To Kuerner's Hill

Ambler Inn

Ambler Paper Boys

Angel in a Rocking Chair

Angkat 04

Angkat 09

Angkat 11

Arcola Post Office

At Kuerner's Back Door

Au Cochon Rose

Auggie Quinsaat


Back Down To The House

Bale Loader And Hay Wagon

Bamboo Studio

Behind The Barn

Big Cat Sighting

Big Wheels and Bungalows

Bill at Hank's Place

Birds of a Feather

Black Horse Tavern

Blondie Freitas with Coke Can

Blondie Freitas with Mayor Bill Hat

Blue Boat Off Of Margate

Boat In Skullville

Boiler Plant

Bredenbeck's Bakery

Bredenbeck's Icecream


Brenneman and Brady's Drug Store

Brushes, Spoons, and Sponges

Bulkhead on Tenth Street

Bungalow on the Bay

Bunny Rabbit

By Kuerner's Kitchen Window

Can Do

Cannery Row Monterey


Chestnut Hill Train Station

Chickens at Kitada's

China Ridge

Ching Store

Christmas Rabbits

Church Street Ambler

Coconuts and Pink Lemonade

Coming Up Kuerner's Drive

Coming Up To Kuerner's House

Companionships Ocean City

Contour Volume Light Shadow

Cowpens Island

Cows and Egrets

Crabbing Boat at Blackburn Point

Crabbing on the Egg Harbor River

Crystal Lace

Dairy Farm with Roosters


Dear John

December Sky

Deck's Hardware Ambler

Demario Paia Chevron

Department of Artistic Licensing

Dewitt's Boat

Dinner Bell

Dog House And Dinner Bell

Down From The Barn To The Springhouse

Dr Fisik's Perpetual Motion Lab

Eddie Flotte Gallery

Eighth and Atlantic

Electric Dave

Eleventh And Asbury

Even Keel

Eye on the Hill

First Snow

Fishing Boat with Flags

Flannel Shirts and Flowered Bonnets

Fong Store

Fort Washington Crossing

Fred Clarks Crabbing Boat

Freedom Row Valley Forge, PA

Frozen In My Mind

Garden Gate Antiques

Gas Pumps

Gecko Trading Company

Gently Down the Stream

German Shingles Valley Forge, PA

Ghost Bus

Gill Nets

Girard Trust Bank Ambler

Glory Days

GMC Truck

Going Going Gone

Good Morning Makawao

Good Stuff Pat


Gratorsford Dairy Cow

Gray Day In Strathmere

Great View Needs Work

Haleakala High

Halloween In Skippack, PA

Harmony, Rhythm, and Melody

Harris' Department Store Ambler

Home Grown Produce

Horiuchi Building

Ice House at Blackburn Point

Independence Day

Invisible Wings

John Travis

Johnny Pacheco

Johnny Pacheco on Horseback

Jung At Heart


Karl Kuerner III

Keasbey & Mattison Ambler

Keasbey & Mattison South Ambler





Kitada's Kau Kau

Knox's Yard

Kuerner's Barn, House, and Pond

Kuerner's Kitchen window

Lazy Day at Blackburn Point

Les Petits Mitrons

Lindenwald Terrace

Lonely Blue Of Winter

Long Green Boat

Looking Down on Kuerner's Farm Pond

Looking Out From The Barn

Maalaea Boat With Captain

Makawao Feed and Grain

Makawao Pumps

Makawao Ridge

Makawao Rooster

Makawao Town

Malcolm's Yard

Maliko Hill

Man Drinking Coffee

Man with the Walker

Maui Child Strip

Maui Cruiser

Maui Time

Maxfield Parish Menu Board

McFarland's Bicycle Shop

Mister Brown's

Model Ts Over Molokini

Monterey Bay

Morning in Makawao

Morning In Strathmere

Morning On The Edge Of Bivalve

Moss Landing

Mr Kuerner At The Barn

Mr Kuerner at the Spring Fed Trough

Mr Kuerner Calls For Rain

Mr Kuerner In His Barn

Mr Kuerner on Kuerner's Hill

Mr Kuerner Remembers

Mr Kuerner Remembers Andrew Wyeth

Mr Kuerner The Day The Earth Shook

Mr Kuerner Watching The Sky

Mr. Kuerner's Truck

Mrs Horiuchi

Mrs Kitada

My Cousin Phoebe

My Friend John

Nanny and Poppy's

Night Flight

Night Vision

North Beach Cafe'

North Wales News Agency

Ocean City Boardwalk

Ocean City Motor Boat

Old Frank's Strathmere

Old Salt

Old Whitpain School

On Angels Wings

On the Mooove

Once Upon a Daze

Orange Avenue Back Porch

Orchard Hill

Othaniel's Porch

Ott Family Home

Our House

Out Behind Kuerner's

Out Of The Driveway And Up Kuernr's Hill

Over The House To The battlefield

Oyster Schooner

Paia Boys

Paia Dry Cleaner Row

Palace Amusements Asbury Park

Paris Alley

Paris Man at the Fruit Stand

Park Avenue Ambler

Party Boat and Buoys

Past The Back Door

Past The Spring House To The Barn

Patch Worked Tin

Pau Hana

Pau Hana at the Dairy Barns

Pen & Ink Illustrations

Philadelphia Print Shop

Phoebe Jaquette

Phoebie at the Window


Pink Porch and Green Shingles

Pink Porch Bungalow

Pink Porch with Mailbox

Portrait of Mister Brown

Postmontier Brothers Record Cover

Pots, Pans, and Pigments

Pottery Clay and Dusty Glass

Pottery Faucet

Pottery Kiln

Pottery Sink

Pottery Tools


Red and White Sky Boat

Red High Tops

Reedy's General Store

Rene Silva

Return to Sender Paia Mill

Ridge Avenue Pigeons


Robertson's II

Rockin' The Fourth Of July

Rosemary and Water

Rowboat in the New Moon

Royersford Crossing

Saint Anthony's Ambler

Saint Mary's Ambler



Self Portrait in a Vest

Sexy and Lustful

Shadows Over Contour

Shell Game

Shelter in Place

Sherman's Door

Sherman's Shed

Sherman's Yard

Shuffling Home

Simon The Plow Man Spring City

Sketches for a Mural on Mirror

Sketches of Animals

Sketches of Birds

Sketches of Frogs

Sketches of Horses, Cows, and Egrets

Sketches of Pelicans

Sketches of Turtles and Frogs

Ski Slope at Spring Mount

Slate Shingle House Spring Mount

Soar Sports

Some Kine Fish

Somers Point Boat Yard

Something For Susan

Sons of Italy Ambler

Southern Avenue Ambler

Spillway On Kuerner's Pond

Spring City

Spring Garden and Orange

Spring Mount Saw Mill

Star Seven

Stars & Stripes Forever

Still A Goat

Stone Chimney At Kuerner's

Stormy's Dam

Strathmere Boathouse

Sumneytown Hotel

Sunray Drugs Ambler

Sunset on Beeler's

Tall Allen

The Ambler Theater

The Basics of Color

The Bridge Out on 559

The Circus Came To Town

The Dreams of an Upcountry Renaissance Man

The First Batch

The Gateway to Providence

The Ghost Boat

The Joy of Christmas

The Lady of the Lane

The Last Fourth of July

The Launch Pad

The Many Callings of Professor What Not (blue)

The Richest Man in Florida

The Seeker

The Stories of Mark Twain

The Strange and Sudden Disappearance of the Haleakala Dairy Cow

The Swallows Line Up To Say Goodbye

The Vegan

The Well at Skill Village

They Wished They Too Were Able to Fly

Thorpe Antiques Skippack, PA

Three Florida Sailboats

Tin Roof and Macrame

Toma Garage

Tuckerton Seaport

Tugboat Kahului Harbor

Two Sisters

Unchained Melody

Uncle Tony

Under the Banyan Tree

Under The Pilings

Union 1 Flyers

Up The Driveway To Kuerner's Barn

Valley Forge Victorian

Venice Beach All Stars

Vineyard Street

Volume Ellipse Depth Pattern

Wake Up and Smell the Cocoa

Whale Creek

Wright's Corner Store Ambler

Wyndham Hotel Ambler