Click any image to access details about each painting.

100 Hana Highway

10th Street Lagoon

A Barn Swallow Takes A Drink

A Bit About Ed and Norma

A Bit About Phoebe

A Box Full of Rainbows

A Bridge Beyond

A Captive Audience

A Day in Cannes

A Fresh Approach

A Joyful Noise

A Kilian's Christmas

A List of Wishes

A Look At Kuerner's Spring House

A Most Adventurous Dairy Cow 01 Thumbnails

A Most Adventurous Dairy Cow 02

A Most Adventurous Dairy Cow 03

A Most Adventurous Dairy Cow 04

A Most Adventurous Dairy Cow 05

A Most Adventurous Dairy Cow 06

A Most Adventurous Dairy Cow 07

A Most Adventurous Dairy Cow 08 Vignettes

A Most Adventurous Dairy Cow 09

A Most Adventurous Dairy Cow 10 Thumbnails

A Most Adventurous Dairy Cow 11

A Most Adventurous Dairy Cow 12

A Most Adventurous Dairy Cow 13

A Most Adventurous Dairy Cow 14

A Most Adventurous Dairy Cow 15

A Most Adventurous Dairy Cow 16 Sketches

A Most Adventurous Dairy Cow 17 Vignettes

A Most Adventurous Dairy Cow 18 Vignettes

A Most Adventurous Dairy Cow 19 Thumbnails

A Most Adventurous Dairy Cow 20

A Most Adventurous Dairy Cow 21

A Most Adventurous Dairy Cow 22

A Most Adventurous Dairy Cow 23 Poses

A Most Adventurous Dairy Cow 24

A Most Adventurous Dairy Cow 25

A Quiet Light For Karl

A String of Toys

A Taste Of Philly

A Walk Into Kuerner's Barn

A Wish List

A Witness to Time

Abstract I

Abstract II

Accordion Player

Across the Margate Bridge

Across The Pond To Kuerner's Hill

Across The Porch

Across the Sound


Aloha Mister Brown


Ambler Inn

Ambler News Agency

Ambler Paper Boys

Ambler Police Station

Ambler Train Station

Ambler Train Station Detail

An Angel Gets Her Wings

An Artist Painting Makawao

An Artist's Life

Anchored Out

Angel in a Rocking Chair

Angkat 01

Angkat 02

Angkat 03

Angkat 04

Angkat 05

Angkat 06

Angkat 07

Angkat 08

Angkat 09

Angkat 10

Angkat 11

Angkat 13

Angkat 14

Angkat 15

Angkat 16

Angkat 17

Angkat 18

Angkat 19

Angkat 20

Angkat 21

Angkat 22

Angkat 23

Angkat 24

Angkat 25

Angkat 26

Angkat 28

Another Gray Day

Anthony's Coffee

Antiques On The Hill

Arcola Post Office

Artisans On The Avenue

Artist in Residence

At Kuerner's Back Door

Au Cochon Rose

Auberge de La Bonne Franquette

Auggie Quinsaat

Auggie's Pool Room

Auggie's Pool Room Detail

Autumn at Kuerner's


Back Down To The House

Bah Da Yew

Balance Over Gravity

Baldwin Avenue Paia

Bale Loader And Hay Wagon

Bamboo Studio

Bank at Spanish Springs

Banyan Companions

Battle of English Creek

Beeler's Perch

Behind The Barn

Bench at Seabury Hall

Bent Elbow

Bersamin's Market

Big Cat Sighting

Big Wheels and Bungalows

Bill at Hank's Place

Bird on a Wire

Birds of a Feather

Black Cat at Secret

Black Horse Tavern

Blondie Freitas with Coke Can

Blondie Freitas with Mayor Bill Hat

Blue Boat Off Of Margate

Board and Baton

Boat in Propriano

Boat In Skullville

Boiler Erection and Repair

Boiler Plant

Bolinas Museum and Thrift Shop

Bolt 900

Boy Scouts on Parade

Bredenbeck's Bakery

Bredenbeck's Icecream

Bredenbeck's II


Brenneman and Brady's Drug Store

Bridge To Yesterday

Broad Side

Broadaxe Tavern

Bruce Springsteen's House Freehold, NJ

Brushes, Spoons, and Sponges

Bulkhead on Tenth Street

Bungalow on the Bay

Bunny Rabbit


By Kuerner's Kitchen Window

Calf Barn Sketch

Called to Dinner

Can Do

Can't Get There From Here

Cane Workers at Kitada's

Cannery Row Monterey

Carmen's Shoe Repair

Chameleon John


Cheese Burger in Paradise

Chestnut Hill Porch

Chestnut Hill Train Station

Chickens at Kitada's

Children's Boutique

Children's Paradise

China Ridge

Ching Store

Christmas Rabbits

Chuck Wagon

Chuffo's Alley Ambler

Church Street Ambler



Coconuts and Pink Lemonade

Coffee Pot

Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk Sketch

Collegeville Dormitory

Collegeville House

Come Closer

Coming Up Kuerner's Drive

Coming Up To Kuerner's House

Companionships Ocean City

Conshohocken Deli

Contour Volume Light Shadow

Cookie, Elmo, and Big Bird

Corsican Boat

Counter Balance

Counting Coin

County Line

Cow Solo

Cowpens Island

Cows and Egrets

Crabbing Boat at Blackburn Point

Crabbing on the Egg Harbor River

Crackle Of Morning Sun

Crossing Into Ambler

Crossing Over

Crystal Lace

Dairy Farm with Roosters

Dappled Light And Dinner Bell

Dark Star


David Warren Gallery

Dear John

December Sky

December Sunrise

Deck's Hardware Ambler

Del's Steaks and Hoagies Ambler

Demario Paia Chevron

Department of Artistic Licensing

Dewitt's Boat

Dinner Bell

Distant Mill

Diving Dog

Dog House And Dinner Bell

Down From The Barn To The Springhouse

Down Hill Bike Riders in Paia

Dr Fisik's Perpetual Motion Lab


Dream Big

Dream Boats

Dreams of Flying

Dry Dock in Spetses

Dry Docked Off Margate

Ducks In A Barrel


Duncan's Coffee

E Street and Tenth, Belmar NJ

Early Birds

Eddie Flotte Gallery

Eddy Float

Eighth and Atlantic

Eighth and Atlantic Detail

Electric Dave

Eleventh And Asbury


Ernie and the Big Wheels

Even Keel

Eye on the Hill

Fall Honey

Favor for a Ghost

Ferry to Corsica


First Snow

Fish Gotta Fly

Fishing Boat with Flags

Five Cent Crabs

Five Seagulls

Flanders Hotel

Flannel Shirts and Flowered Bonnets

Florida Scooter Rentals


Flying Boat Sketches

Flying Boy

Flying Machine Dream Sketches

Flying Tackle

Flying to New Heights

Foggy Morning Solitude

Fong Store

Fong Store With Chickens

Fort Washington Crossing

Four Boats

Fred Clarks Crabbing Boat

Freedom Row Valley Forge, PA

French Woman Playing Checkers

Frenchman in the Park

Frolic's Horse Hopefully

From Kuerner's Hill

Frozen In My Mind

Full Moon Rooster

Garden Gate Antiques

Gas Pumps

Gate Keeper

Gateway of Dreams

Gecko Trading Company

Gently Down the Stream

George Sets Off to Work

George's Lot

German Shingles Valley Forge, PA

Ghost Bus

Ghost of the Last Chance Texico

Giggle Hill

Gill Nets

Giraffe and Company


Girard Trust Bank Ambler

Girl at the Barn

Glory Days

GMC Truck

Going Going Gone

Good Morning Makawao

Good Stuff Pat


Gratorsford Dairy Cow

Gratorsford Dairy Farm

Gratorsford Farm House

Gray Day In Strathmere

Gray day Outside Of Margate

Great View Needs Work

Great Year

Greek Boat

Grinding Corner

Gull Whisperer

Haiku Dry Dock

Haleakala Dairy Cow

Haleakala High


Haliimaile Chickens

Halloween In Skippack, PA

Hand Planters

Hand Planting

Harmony, Rhythm, and Melody

Harold's Office

Harris' Department Store Ambler

Harris' Department Store Ambler Detail

Hector and the Crew

Hew Store

Hew Store '85

Hew Store with 7up Sign

Hiding In Plain Sight

Holy Water Angel

Home Grown Produce

Horiuchi Building

Horiuchi Market

Hurricane Boutique

Hurricane Row

Husband, Teacher, Farmer, Dancer

I Love Chestnut Hill

Ice House at Blackburn Point

Ice House with Pelican

Ices, Creams, and Dreams


In A Flurry

Independence Day

Invisible Wings

Invisible Wings Detail

Jack Dowd Gallery

Jackie Lue

Jimmy Lynch's Motor

John Travis

Johnny Pacheco

Johnny Pacheco on Horseback

Jung At Heart

Just Enough

Ka'aumanu Church


Kalyja Record Cover


Karl Kuerner III

Katie's House

Keasbey & Mattison Ambler

Keasbey & Mattison South Ambler

Keeping A Light On

Keiki Banana

Kids Ride Free





Kitada's Forever Jung

Kitada's Kau Kau

Kitada's Kitchen

Kitada's Kitchen Window

Kitada's Stoop

Kitada's with Pink Bushes

Knox's Wheel Barrow

Knox's Yard

Komoda's Bakery

Komoda's Bakery Detail

Kuerner's Barn, House, and Pond

Kuerner's Farm

Kuerner's Front Porch

Kuerner's Hilltop

Kuerner's House

Kuerner's Kitchen window

La Vie En Rose

Ladies at Place des Abbesses

Lady in a Brown Sweater Venice Beach

Lady in Blue Venice Beach

Lazy Day at Blackburn Point


Les Petits Mitrons

Les Petits Mitrons Detail

Lightness Of Joy

Like He Stepped From the Sky

Like Moonlight Off a Duck's Back

Lime Kiln Paia

Lindenwald Terrace

Little Lady

Little Yellow Bay House

Lonely Blue Of Winter

Long Green Boat

Long Road Home

Looking Back At Kuerners

Looking Down on Kuerner's Farm Pond

Looking Downhill

Looking Out From The Barn

Lookout Gulls

Love's Escape

Low Tide

Maalaea Boat With Captain

Maalaea Boat With Captain Detail

Madame Marie

Magazine Illustrations

Makawao Barber Shop

Makawao Cafe

Makawao Cane House

Makawao Feed and Grain

Makawao Flower Shop

Makawao Pumps

Makawao Rainbow

Makawao Ridge

Makawao Rooster

Makawao Steak House

Makawao Town

Makawao Union Church

Malcolm's Yard

Maliko Bridge

Maliko Hill

Man by the Ti Leaves

Man Collecting Tin Cans Venice Beach

Man Drinking Coffee

Man on a Crate

Man on the Wall

Man with a Beard

Man with the Walker

Mana Foods


Marianna's Quilt

Maui Child

Maui Child Strip

Maui Crafts Guild

Maui Cruiser

Maui Time

Maxfield Parish Menu Board

McDermott and Sons Shoe Repair

McFarland's Bicycle Shop

Meeting of the Minds



Michelle's Rag Doll

Mill Across the Sugar Cane

Mister Brown Counting Down

Mister Brown's

Mister Brown's Driveway

Mister Kite Sketches

Misty Blue


Model Ts Over Molokini

Monterey Bay

Monterey Fishing Boat

More Than I Could Chew

Morning Breaks

Morning Commute to Consciousness

Morning in Makawao

Morning In Strathmere

Morning On The Edge Of Bivalve

Moss Landing

Moss Landing Junk

Mr Kuerner At The Barn

Mr Kuerner At The Porch

Mr Kuerner at the Spring Fed Trough

Mr Kuerner Calls For Rain

Mr Kuerner In His Barn

Mr Kuerner on Kuerner's Hill

Mr Kuerner Remembers

Mr Kuerner Remembers Andrew Wyeth

Mr Kuerner The Day The Earth Shook

Mr Kuerner Watching The Sky

Mr. Kuerner's Truck

Mrs Horiuchi

Mrs Kitada

Mt. Airy Trolly

Mural on Mirror

Music Pier

My Angels on the Other Side

My Beautiful Nightmare

My Cousin Phoebe

My Friend John

My last Days in Limbo

Nanny and Poppy's

Needs Work

Neptune's Siesta Key

New Wisdom

Night Boat

Night Flight

Night Vision

No Regrets

Norma's Closet with Accordion Player

North Beach Cafe'

North Beach Grill

North Wales News Agency

Number Nineteen

Ocean City Boardwalk

Ocean City Boardwalk Detail

Ocean City Boathouse

Ocean City Motor Boat

Ocean City Water Ice

Offices at Paia Mill

Old Frank's Strathmere

Old Route 100

Old Salt

Old Whitpain School

On Angels Wings

On the Boat to Corsica

On the Mooove

Once Upon a Daze

Once Upon a Time

Orange Avenue Back Porch

Orchard Hill

Othaniel's Life

Othaniel's Porch

Ott Family Home

Our House

Out Behind Kuerner's

Out From the Inner Circle

Out Of The Driveway And Up Kuernr's Hill

Over The House To The battlefield

Oyster Schooner

Paia Boys

Paia Chevron

Paia Dry Cleaner

Paia Dry Cleaner Row

Paia Fish Market

Paia Liquor Store

Paia Mill with Shower Tree

Paia Wash House

Palace Amusements Asbury Park

Panda Bear

Papaya Gardens

Paris Alley

Paris Man at the Fruit Stand

Parisian Man

Parisian Men Jardin Luxembourg

Parisian Playing Checkers

Park Avenue Ambler

Party Boat and Buoys

Past The Back Door

Past The Spring House To The Barn

Patch Worked Tin

Pau Hana

Pau Hana at the Dairy Barns

Paying the Toll


Pen & Ink Illustrations

People in Lahaina Detail

Perspective Volume Depth Atmosphere

Philadelphia Print Shop

Phoebe Jaquette

Phoebie at the Window

Pick Up


Piiholo Pineapple Fields

Pink Porch and Green Shingles

Pink Porch Bungalow

Pink Porch with Mailbox

Pirates' Cove


Portrait of Mister Brown

Postmontier Brothers Record Cover

Pots, Pans, and Pigments

Pottery and Prosperity

Pottery Clay and Dusty Glass

Pottery Faucet

Pottery Kiln

Pottery Room Sink

Pottery Sink

Pottery Tools

Prelude To Helga

Quickly Through The Mist

Quinsaat Building

Quonset Huts

Raising Beeler


Red and White Sky Boat

Red High Tops

Red Wagon

Reedy's General Store

Rene on a Mission

Rene Silva

Rene Sketch

Restaurant by the Bridge

Return of Winter

Return to Sender Paia Mill

Rhythm of the Wind

Ridge and Butler

Ridge Avenue Pigeons

Roanoke Street


Robertson's II

Rockin' The Fourth Of July

Rooster on Brewer

Rose of Lima Church Freehold, NJ

Rosemary and Water

Rowboat in the New Moon

Royersford Crossing

Rusted Water Truck

Rusty Tractor



Sail Boat In Dry Dock

Saint Anthony's Ambler

Saint Joseph's Church

Saint Mary's Ambler

Saint Tropez

Sam's Supreme


Sandy's Boat

Sea Oats And Forgotten Boats

Seabury Hall


Seagulls at Sunrise

Self Portrait at Mister Brown's

Self Portrait in a Beret

Self Portrait in a Vest

Send in the Red, White, and Blue

Sesame Street Sketch

Sexy and Lustful

Shadows of March

Shadows Over Contour

Shark Tooth Collar

Shell Game

Shelter in Place

Sherman's Door

Sherman's Shed

Sherman's Yard


Shuffling Home

Shuffling Home Detail

Siesta Key Marina

Signs of the Times

Silver Medley

Simon The Plow Man Spring City

Sindu on His Bike

Sinking Houseboats

Sins Of The Father

Skeet's Fishing and Crabbing

Sketches for a Mural on Mirror

Sketches of Animals

Sketches of Billy Goats

Sketches of Birds

Sketches of Chickens

Sketches of Cows

Sketches of Frogs

Sketches of Goats

Sketches of Hens

Sketches of Hens and a Rooster

Sketches of Hens in Pencil

Sketches of Horses

Sketches of Horses, Cows, and Egrets

Sketches of Many Chickens

Sketches of Pelicans

Sketches of Pelicans and Egrets

Sketches of Pelicans and Fish

Sketches of Sheep

Sketches of Turtles and Frogs

Sketches of Walking Upcountry

Ski Slope at Spring Mount

Skullville General Store

Slate Shingle House Spring Mount

Sleeping Eddie

Sleeping Still

Smell the Cocoa Sketch


Snow Day

Soar Sports

Soaring Over Center Square

Social Distancing

Solar Sail Sketches

Some Kine Fish

Somers Point Boat Yard

Somers Point Minnow Boat

Something For Susan

Something of the Supernatural

Sons of Italy Ambler

Southern Avenue Ambler

Spelling Scullville

Spillway On Kuerner's Pond

Spray Booth

Spring City

Spring Garden and Orange

Spring Garden Street Ambler

Spring Mount Saw Mill

Square Mill

Standing Guard

Star Seven

Starry Starry Night at 360

Stars & Stripes Forever

Statues in the Cemetery

Still A Goat

Still Afloat on a Sea of Dreams

Stone Chimney At Kuerner's

Stormy's Dam

Strathmere Boathouse

Strawberry Blonde

Street Corner Portraits

Sugar and Spice

Sugar Mill Elevator

Sumneytown Hotel

Sumter Landing Victorian

Sunday Rain

Sunray Drugs Ambler

Sunrise Over Beeler's

Sunset on Beeler's

Sunset on Kitada's

Sunset Over Beeler's

Surf Cafe'

Swamp Pike Dairy Farm

Swamp Pike Fruit Stand

Tack and Things

Taken Away

Tall Allen

Tall Bruce

Tar Paper and Time

Teddy Bear

Temporary Tattoos

Ten Minutes To One

The Ambler Theater

The Asbury Park Casino

The Basics of Color

The Bateman House

The Bird, Boat, and Gas Pump

The Boat and Tractor Sketch

The Bottom of Main Street

The Bridge Out on 559

The Bridge That Nobody Loved

The Caretaker's Truck

The Changing Face of Makawao

The Circus Came To Town

The Clothes Addict

The Coming Tide

The Cook's Notebook

The Crick The Bridge And The Bungalow

The Dreams of an Upcountry Renaissance Man

The First Batch

The Flight of the Telecaster

The Flooding of Makawao River

The Gatekeeper

The Gateway to Providence

The Ghost Boat

The Ghosts of George Kairos

The Girl with the Golden High Tops

The Great Beyond

The Immortal Mr. Kirlin

The Inventive Mr. Kirlin

The Joy of Christmas

The Lady of the Lane

The Last Fourth of July

The Launch Pad

The Many Callings of Professor What Not

The Many Callings of Professor What Not (blue)

The Many Callings of Professor What Not Detail

The Monkey on the Ledge

The Mysterious Mr. Kirlin

The Narrow Gate

The Neighbor's Shed

The Quiet of New Snow

The Richest Man in Florida

The Savior

The Seeker

The Son of Zeus

The Spirit of Ring Road

The Stories of Mark Twain

The Strange and Sudden Disappearance of the Haleakala Dairy Cow

The Streets of Philadelphia

The Swallows Line Up To Say Goodbye

The Tracks of Mr. Kuerner

The Vegan

The Well at Skill Village

The Wheel Pump

Thelma Marsh Powers

They Wished They Too Were Able to Fly

Thorpe Antiques Skippack, PA

Three Florida Sailboats

Tin Roof and Macrame

To See Ethel Smile


Toma Garage

Toys and Book

Treehouse Platform

Trolling the Sea of Love

Trying To Find The Answers

Tuckerton Seaport

Tugboat Kahului Harbor

Twilight Boat

Two Sisters

Ukulele and the Maui Scene

Unchained Melody

Uncle Tony

Under the Banyan Tree

Under The Pilings

Union 1 Flyers

Up The Drive To Behind The Barn

Up The Driveway To Kuerner's Barn

Up The Hill Beside The House


Valley Forge Victorian

Venice Beach All Stars

Venice Beach Falafel Stand

Venice Beach Health Food Store


Vineyard Street

Volume Ellipse Depth Pattern

Wake Up and Smell the Cocoa

Watching the Checker Game

Water Birds on Mirror II

Water Vision

Whale Creek

White Dream Boats

Winter At Grassy

Winter At Kuerner's

Winter Fog

Wisp of Spring

Witches in Scullville

Work Truck in Spreckelsville

Wright's Corner Store Ambler

WVLG Radio

Wyndham Front Entrance

Wyndham Hotel Ambler

Yellow High Tops
